<!-- TITLE: Editing and publishing VR180 videos -->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Blender and YouTube! -->
# Just edit the raw video, and upload to YouTube
+ I record using the [OMI camera](https://www.amazon.com/OMI-CAMERA-OMI-VR1-Wearable-Sports/dp/B073X5298N)
+ Blender allows quick easy (and free) editing of the raw files
+ *I can't figure out how to upload to YouTube!*
+ [This link](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7278886?hl=en) seems to describe how to add the proper metadata with ffmpeg.
+ Must [download ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/)
+ Doesn't work for me
+ [An alternative](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6316263?hl=en) asks to download this "360 Video Metadata app" which *also* doesn't work!
+ Says "can't import file" for those on my camera, and doesn't like MP4 files, which is my output format!
+ Simply uploading to YouTube doesn't work, it leaves it in this stupid spherical format!
# Actually zooming, panning, "looking around"
I tried to follow [this tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ldbJQ7pyow) which makes it all look so easy peasy
+ signed up for Adobe Premiere free trial ($40/mo otherwise!!)
+ VR converter [looks like what I need](https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/how-to/vr-converter-effect.html) but it doesn't seem to exist for me, and for [others]()
+ [Go-pro fusion VR](https://gopro.com/help/articles/block/fusion-2-0-beta-update-for-your-gopro-fusion) explained [here](https://gopro.com/help/articles/how_to/fusion-studio-how-to-use-the-adobe-plugins-for-fusion) looks like exactly the set of tools I need. Unfortunately, the sliders for pitch, yaw, etc. don't work!
+ OK so there was a [different link](https://gopro.com/en/us/shop/softwareandapp/gopro-fusion-studio-app/fusion-studio.html) to install the "app" for gopro fusion VR. Maybe the app is dope :)
+ [This video](https://www.rocketstock.com/blog/editing-vr-footage-in-premiere-pro/) shows the simple VR display options, but these are grayed out for me, and for [others](https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/problem-in-new-360-video-viewer-in-premiere-pro-cc-2017/td-p/8884131).
+ Adobe Premiere supposedly has VR tools, but they only work with GPU accelleration, which doesn't seem to be an option for me ([others](https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/this-effect-requires-gpu-acceleration-after-2018-update/td-p/9453202))