Research opportunity in computational social science
Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would be interested.
This summer I am hiring programmers to help me with my dissertation. My idea is to create a completely new way to interview, which would allow researchers to collect deep understandings of many people in machine-readable form. More concretely, I'm developing a Twitter handle which can conduct interviews over PM as skillfully as would a sociology graduate student. This "researcher" would be able to ask clarifying questions, follow up on previous conversations, wonder about your loved ones, actively trying to understand who you are and what you care about, what you believe, and why. I really care about this project and think it could be revolutionary, not only for Sociology, but for people's understandings of each other more generally.
If you're interested in participating Summer 2020 send an email to [email protected]. The position would be part time (10 hours per week) and paid $15/hour.
Requirements: object-oriented programming, familiarity with Python