Making rocket league robots

I'll just paste some links here for now. I've installed the software, and hopefully I get the time / patience to play around with this.
The competitive bar seems pretty low for now (e.g. glitchless, playing normally, not doing crazy wacky stuff)

The best in the game now

Parsers for Rocket League replays

This is probably necessary! At some point, training based on human behavior would make sense.
At the most simple, I can copy motions directly, or at least know "if I hit it like X, the ball will go to Y", and trying to achieve that.

The strategy

I think I'll try to create little bots that know how to do something specific, and then patch them together later.
I can also train a bot on X, and then train it on an extension of X (keep the ball in the air pinch against the wall)

Creating a bot for aerialing

  1. Figure out where the ball is going (reality)
  2. Where do you want the ball to go? (wish)
  3. How to make it do that...

Could also just try some machine learning approach

Keep the ball on top of the car & steer?

Perfect pinch into the net